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Access Your Housing Wealth with a Reverse Mortgage

Senior housing wealth has been steadily growing and continues to break records.  In a recent report, homeowners who are 62 and older have increased their wealth by 1.6 percent or $121 billion in the third quarter of 2020 and reached a record $7.82 trillion1. There are multiple ways to access your equity, such as selling and downsizing, but what are your options if you want to remain in your home...

Aging in Place with a Reverse Mortgage

When it comes to retirement and where you will be living in your golden years, many retirees want the option of being able to stay in their current home, also known as aging in place.  However, you may find some features in your home may become problematic as you get older.  If you are planning to age-in-place, knowing what modifications to make is just as important as knowing how you will pay...

Stimulus Checks, Retirement and a Reverse Mortgage

Many Americans will begin to receive money from the $1.9 trillion stimulus package that was just signed by President Biden.  While this money will be a welcomed relief for many, it paints a bigger picture of the financial hardships which are being endured, especially among seniors.  This immediate influx of cash may help short term; however, it’s important to prepare for long-term financial needs...

Reverse Mortgage: Seniors to Age in Place During a Pandemic

Seniors have long expressed their desire to stay in their homes as they age, with more than 90% not wanting to have to move into a nursing home or long-term care facility.1 With COVID-19 having infiltrated group living situations and accounting for more than a third of coronavirus deaths2, the need for seniors to stay in their homes is now in great demand. If you are planning to age in place...

Reverse Mortgage: Know the Risks

While there were many ups and downs in 2020, reverse mortgage loans saw an increase of 15.1% over the previous year.1 While reverse mortgages can be beneficial for senior homeowners, there are a few cases where it may not be a good fit. What is a Reverse Mortgage? A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, (HECM), commonly known as a reverse mortgage loan, is a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)...