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Unexpected Retirement and a Reverse Mortgage

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused much uncertainty over the past eight months and has hit the labor market particularly hard.  With businesses around the country laying off employees or permanently closing, along with increased health risk for senior workers, it has pushed many into early retirement.  However, financially, many may not be ready to retire. A recent report published by three...

Reverse Mortgage and Home Renovations for Aging in Place

While planning for retirement, many seniors will decide to age in place and want to stay in their homes as long as possible.  By aging in place, it allows seniors to remain in a safe and familiar residence while staying close to family and friends. To age in place comfortably, most seniors will need a few modifications made to their homes. Below are some recommended areas that will increase...

Supplementing Retirement with a Reverse Mortgage

When soon-to-be retirees are planning for retirement or are looking to supplement their current financial situation, an area that is getting a closer look from financial advisors is a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), also known as a reverse mortgage loan.  While a reverse mortgage isn’t intended to replace one’s retirement plan, when used sensibly, it can be a valuable means of...

Reverse Mortgage: Increased Home Equity for Senior Homeowners

While 2020 continues to be an unforgettable year for many, one positive takeaway is that senior homeowners have seen an increase in their collective home equity.  According to a recent report, seniors added $134 billion to their already impressive housing wealth which is now at $7.70 trillion.1  As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the financial well-being of American seniors many...

Seniors, Retirement, Pandemic and a Reverse Mortgage

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has impacted everyone in one way or another.  Whether it has been transitioning to working from home, virtual learning for children, and having to socialize responsibly from a distance, the pandemic, for the time being, has altered life as we know it. Seniors and retirees are a group that has been especially hard hit by COVID-19 and have been made to make their fair...