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A New Take on the Reverse Mortgage

A common misconception regarding reverse mortgages has revolved around the idea that only seniors with minimal retirement options pursued them. However, as financial planners and wealthy individuals are now embracing reverse mortgages as a reliable component of retirement planning, the former perception of the concept is starting to change. Currently, there are 75 million Baby Boomers in the...

Reverse Mortgages and Retirement

America’s imminent retirement crisis has created a new purpose for reverse mortgage loans. Financial advisors are recognizing that the product can protect against future costs and provide income for seniors during their post-career days. It is common for retirees to find that they have not accumulated enough savings and that a significant portion of their wealth is tied up in their homes...

How a Reverse Mortgage can Help with Home Improvements and Other Expense

If you are like many seniors, you may be living on a fixed income. Often, that income isn’t enough, and you may be doing without some necessities in order to afford other day to day expenses. Because the cost of living is steadily increasing, many seniors must pay for medical bills, prescriptions, food and utilities before they can even consider larger expenses. If you find yourself in need of...

Millennials Face Tough Retirement Road Ahead

The millennial generation is typically digital savvy, well-educated and active in their communities. The group is made up of young adults from about 18 years old to those in their early 30s. Even though they have lived through some of the worst financial crises in recent times, they may not be prepared for retirement planning. Millennials as a whole are generally more educated than their parents’...

Amazing Seniors In Sports, Art, Literature

If you ask seniors what the key to a long life is, many will tell you that doing what you love keeps you young and healthy. But what if you don’t discover your passion until later in life? We have compiled a list of seniors who achieved enormous success in their golden years, teaching later generations what following your passion and having so much dedication can create. From athletes to artists...