If the honey-do list is getting a little long or there are projects around the house that need the attention of a professional, it’s probably time to call an expert. We’ve all heard horror stories of supposed contractors and handymen who have scammed their clients out of thousands of dollars or who were unlicensed or did poor quality work. You can protect yourself and your home by following some...
Housing America’s Older Adults
In the recently released study, “Housing America’s Older Adults” by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, the unique need for appropriate, safe housing for seniors and the current lack of such available housing is discussed. Currently, a third of people over the age of 50 pay more than 30% of their income for housing.1 In addition to cost, other housing concerns older...
Ways to Increase the Appraised Value of Your Home
Knowing the appraisal value of your home is important if you are going to be refinancing your home, selling your home or getting a reverse mortgage loan. But you don’t have to sit back and wait in angst for the appraised value to come in. You can be proactive in increasing the value of your home, and it doesn’t have to take much time or money. We’ve compiled the following list of quick tips to...
Transforming your Wealth into Retirement Security
The debate continues about whether Americans are saving enough for retirement. The National Retirement Risk Index (NRRI) shows that more than half of households may not be able to maintain their current standard of living throughout retirement1. This information was released by the Survey of Consumer Finances. On the other hand, a survey by T. Rowe Price shows that three years into retirement...
Things to Consider for Recent Retirees
Life is full of surprises and retirement is no different. Most people think of retirement as a time to spend with friends and family, take vacations and focus on hobbies. However, some may not consider potential complications that could arise during their retirement. Even retirees who have saved and invested wisely would do well to prepare for some of these common retirement obstacles. Increasing...